Losing teeth compromises your ability to bite, to chew, and to smile with confidence. Dental implants provide a second chance at a complete smile. And now, advanced solutions like zygomatic implants mean that virtually everyone who needs dental implants can receive them, regardless of how much jaw bone they have. At Riverbend Oral Surgery, we are pleased to provide comprehensive implant care, including zygomatic implants, to our patients in Chattanooga, TN.

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When Are Zygomatic Dental Implants Used?

Regular dental implants can provide long-lasting, natural-looking tooth restoration, allowing you to regain full dental form and function. The placement of traditional implants requires you to have adequate jaw bone, ensuring the implants have a stable place to be anchored, or else to receive a bone graft.

Zygomatic implants offer all the same benefits as regular implants, but they are longer and can be placed at an angle. This means they can provide a viable, secure option even for patients who do not have sufficient bone density for conventional implant placement.

Advantages of Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are the tooth replacement method of choice for patients seeking to replace their upper teeth, and who lack adequate bone density for conventional implants. Choosing zygomatic implants can provide a number of important benefits.

Zygomatic implants mean you can qualify for full dental restoration, even if you lack sufficient jaw bone or you do not wish to have a bone graft. With zygomatic implants, almost anyone who needs dental restoration can qualify.

Zygomatic implants are meant to be a long-lasting form of tooth replacement. In fact, with the right maintenance and upkeep, implants can potentially last a lifetime. This makes them far more cost-effective than dentures and bridges, which require more regular replacement.

When you lose a tooth, you also lose the natural stimulation provided by your tooth root. This can cause your jawbone to atrophy, leading to unwanted changes to your facial structure. Zygomatic implants provide the stimulation needed to maintain the health of your jawbone.

Traditional bridges and dentures often require healthy teeth to be removed or sanded down, compromising their integrity. With implants, you do not need any of your healthy teeth to be extracted or otherwise damaged, making this the best option for preserving overall oral health.

With zygomatic implants, your custom replacement teeth can be seamlessly integrated with your natural ones. This ensures a fully natural-looking smile, along with a boost to your self-confidence.

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The Zygomatic Implant Process

For your dental implant placement, you will receive full anesthesia to promote your ongoing comfort. Dr. Felts will insert the zygomatic implant into your bone and begin the process of osseointegration in which the bone and implant fuse.

Your zygomatic implants will need several months to fuse with the bone, providing a steady anchor point for your permanent prostheses. Once the healing process has concluded, you will return for the attachment of a connective piece known as the abutment. This will include topping it with a temporary replacement tooth.

Your final replacement teeth will be custom-designed to look and behave just like your natural teeth. Your replacement teeth will be placed by your regular dentist, at which point your dental restoration will be complete.

Recovery and Aftercare

For most patients, recovery after zygomatic implant placement is very tolerable. You can return to school or work as soon as you feel up to it, usually within three or four days. While you can anticipate some swelling and tenderness during the recovery process, these symptoms are easy to manage with prescribed or over-the-counter medications. You will also need to stick to soft foods and liquids for the first several days of recovery, but you can transition back to your normal diet as you feel able.

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You’re in Good Hands with Riverbend Oral Surgery

Zygomatic implants can provide a second chance at a full, healthy smile. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Riverbend Oral Surgery. Contact our Chattanooga, TN practice today by calling (423) 541-5700.